Some updates on the 63′ Impala build. Interior mostly done, just door panels left to install and need to make custom trunk panels and add a new stereosystem. And waiting on the few last bits from the US. Here are some fresh pics!
Tonight the gastank got some new paint, silvermetallic with clearcoat. Waiting on a new fuelsender before it gets mounted back in the car.
The new gastank looked so boring in black so it will get a new color today…
Now I need to wait atleast a week before wetsanding and then 2 more coats of clear, then wait some more and wetsand with 2000 grit and polishing. It will look deeeep…
To get the new imported Chevy pickup ready for the Swedish roads it needed some work. First it needed Swedish papers and plates and at the same time it must pass a safety inspection by law. This car didnt have turnsignals or working lights so this got fixed. Fueltank was cleaned on the inside and got fresh fuel and hoses & filters. Engine got new sparkplugs and coil installed. Exhaust was installed also. Restored carburetor. New tires and, steering rods. The speedometer was rusted out so a new was mounted. It passed the safety inspection without any problems at all!